It’s All a Matter of Perspective

My kids are both adopted. They have known that since they could understand us explaining their adoption stories. We talk about openly about their birth parents, their adoptions, and try to answer any and all questions they have. My daughter especially loves to hear her adoption story, over and over. She had the whole story down pat. Or so I thought . . . 

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One afternoon she came home from playing at the neighbors house in tears. “Mom!” she yelled “Hayden lied to me! He said that his mom carried him in her belly AND took him home from the hospital! I told him you can’t do that. One mom has you in her belly and then your other mom picks you up at the hospital. I told him he’s lying and that he IS ADOPTED!” 

It seems I forgot to include one tiny detail in telling Josie her story over and over, and that tiny detail is that not everyone is adopted. Ooops!

As I stood there comforting her and explaining that yes she adopted, but some other people are not, all I wanted to do was sprint out the door to the neighbors house to assure poor Hayden that he isn’t adopted, and apologize to his mom! 

(Thankfully Hayden, who is older than Josie, was not upset, and his Mom thought the whole thing was sweet and funny. Whew.)

I share this story today to remind you, it’s ALL a matter of perspective. The story in your head is just a story. Every thought we have is based on what we know so far, what we’ve experienced so far. We always have a chance to question our story, find out more, choose a new thought. 

PS If you’re sick of the story you’ve been living in, let me help you write a new one!

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